Is the coffee in JostArriba fairtrade?

The certified organic coffee in eightbillion JostArriba is also Fair Trade Certified by ASOANEI (Asociación de Productores Agroecológicos Indígenas y Campesinos de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta y Serranía del Perijá).

ASOANEI is an association founded in 1996 to create an organic farming program that promotes the preservation of indigenous and farmers' cultures in north-eastern Colombia. The association is comprised of more than 600 indigenous families belonging to four distinct ethnic groups: the Arhuacos, Koguis, Wiwas, and Kankuamos, as well as small farmers who share a holistic view of forests, rivers, mountains, and animal protection and who value an emphasis on sustainable agriculture. Through the conservation and care for natural resources, ASOANEI improves living conditions for members and their communities while upholding the values of their ancestral heritage.

By using this Fair Trade Certified coffee in eightbillion JostArriba, in addition to providing the highest quality, we commit to improving the quality of life of coffee growers of Colombia.

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