Is the coffee JostArriba shade-grown?
Yes, the coffee in eightbillion JostArriba is Shade-grown.
Traditionally, all coffee was shade grown. Most varieties of coffee are naturally intolerant of direct sunlight, and prefer a canopy of sun-filtering shade trees. The trees not only protect the coffee from direct sun, they also protect the soil with their fallen leaves which helps retain soil moisture. The nitrogen-fixing trees also enhance the soil, and also provide habitat for birds. The birds in turn provide natural insect control with their constant foraging. This sustainable method of farming uses little or no chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides.
Unfortunately, in recent decades, increased demand from consumers in the coffee market has motivated the industry to utilize the sun-growing method to vastly increase their output of coffee, at the cost of severe negative environmental impact such as deforestation and threats on wildlife habitats. In Addition, sun-grown coffee removes the natural protective barrier of trees, which means a greater number of chemical pesticides are used and end up in the consumer’s coffee cups.
We only use Shade-grown coffee because it is environmentally responsible, more delicious and healthier. As consumers, we should strive to support businesses that use sustainable farming methods like shade-grown coffee: the choices that we make have a direct impact on the environment, the health and wellbeing of the farmers, ourselves and the planet.